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Art Without Boundaries
The thirteenth edition of myART MAGAZINE focuses on crossing artistic boarders.
In an interview with Dorotheum, star conductor Christian Thielemann reflects on inspiration, intuition and his passions as a collector. The short story “Wedding in Space” by Heinrich Steinfest, which is based on a painting by Dirck Hals, navigates the border between literature and the visual arts. The newest edition of myART MAGAZINE also reveals the relationship between Arthur Arbesser’s highly acclaimed fashion creations and art!
Flip through to read about Renate Bertlmann’s artworks in this year’s Venice Biennale, supported by Dorotheum. Discover Franz Hauer, an important collector of Viennese Modernism and sneak a peek at the numerous highlights in our upcoming spring auctions!
Explore the fascinating articles this issue has to offer!

Click here to read the Dorotheum myART MAGAZINE online!
The previous editions of myART MAGAZINES can be found here!
Read, browse, enjoy!